Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recaging the Beast, The Yeast-Fungal Connection: The Disease behind Disease

In the 1980s, author Jane Remington developed a systemic yeast infection after taking several courses of antibiotics prescribed after dental surgeries. While looking for a way to eliminate the Candida overgrowth, she found a naturopath by the name of Dr. Sylvia Flesner who put her on a yeast-free diet. Several weeks later, her immune system was restored and she regained her energy and health. In her book, Recaging the Beast, The Yeast-Fungal Connection: The Disease behind Disease, Jane Remington shares her knowledge about how the rise of diseases is directly linked to the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. She contends there is a direct relationship between the yeast levels in our body and disease. Each health condition is a different but distinct manifestation of the same etiology or cause–fungus.

Remington explains that Candida albicans is a naturally occurring tiny one celled organism that normally resides in our gastrointestinal tract. When there is a fungal overgrowth that escapes from the gastrointestinal tract, the fungus goes on a rampage throughout the body and wreaks havoc on every system right down to the cellular level. The chemicals released from the yeast are toxic which leaves the body susceptible to a broad range of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and even childhood conditions such as autism. Remington goes into much detail in explaining what yeasts are, their affects on the body and its systems, and the damage that results from the proliferation of yeast throughout he body. She highlights her own experiences working with renowned naturopath, Dr. Sylvia Flesner, and the astonishing results when patients embraced a yeast-free diet. As well, she cites many health studies to support her claims. She provides a detailed guide on adopting a yeast-free diet in order to contain the yeast in the gastrointestinal tract. She also outlines what should be avoided to eliminate yeast overgrowth and prevent future infestation, such as certain foods and beverages, antifungal supplements, antibiotics, and more. As well, Remington takes on the controversial issues surrounding vaccines, antibiotics, and the role Big Pharma plays in treating illness, not curing it.

One of the most impressive features of the book is the research. Remington does not just provide information on the importance of adopting a yeast-free lifestyle, but she has a done an incredible amount of research to support her arguments. She is able to deliver an honest account of where our future is going regarding the food and pharmaceuticals we put in our bodies. The book is a wake-up call about the health of our society and what we as individuals can do to take control of our own health. Remington makes a compelling case supported by studies that show that the yeast-fungal connection is directly linked to most of the disease and health conditions we see today, and that things will only get worse if we do not take control of our own bodies instead of relying on a multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry to treat our illnesses. Recaging The Beast is an easy to understand, comprehensive study of the multiple causes of disease today. The book is highly recommended to readers who want to embrace a healthier lifestyle and combat disease.

Tracy Roberts, Write Field Services

Monday, October 18, 2010

Morbid Obesity: Will You Allow It To Kill You?

In his book, ‘Morbid Obesity: Will You Allow It To Kill You?’ author Eduardo Chapunoff provides an in-depth account of morbid obesity that includes the causes, physiological and physiological effects, treatments, and what those suffering from obesity must do psychologically and emotionally to achieve long term weight loss. Chapunoff’s fundamental message to achieving successful long term weight loss is “radical behavior modification.”

In the US, obesity was not classified as a disease until 1985 and now the disease has an estimated annual cost of $117 billion. Chapunoff explains that morbid obesity must be treated as a medical disease, not as a lifestyle choice. He also explains that morbid obesity is a condition when one has a weight excess of 100 pounds or more and a BMI greater than or equal to 40. He provides a thorough account of what happens to the body’s organs such as the heart, lungs, and other systems when one is morbidly obese. An emphasis is placed on its life threatening effects as well as the psychological effects and social implications. He also discusses ‘comorbidities’, the diseases closely associated with morbid obesity.

Chapunoff provides key messages to treating obesity such as: “Don’t hate the problem. Instead love the challenge, radical behavior modification is essential, and awareness helps prevention.” He goes into great detail about the options to treating obesity such as the various surgical methods and when morbid obesity causes one to be disabled and at a great risk of dying, weight loss surgery is essential. He talks about how society promotes not only eating, but also over eating, including the kinds of foods that contribute to obesity. Different types of weight loss surgeries are discussed that includes the types of procedures, risks, benefits, and what to expect during and after the surgery. He outlines the misconceptions, misunderstandings, and miscalculation in the management of morbid obesity, as well as the role of patients and their friends, family, surgeons, and insurance company.

Morbid obesity is a disease that has become an epidemic in western society. ‘Morbid Obesity: Will You Allow It To Kill You?’ is a thorough and easy to understand book about morbid obesity that provides extensive information to help people better understand this disease. Very insightful parts of the book are the interviews with weight loss surgeons and patients who have had the procedure. Chapunoff also provides behavior modification tips that will help people achieve long term weight loss no matter what weight loss option they choose. The book contains a vast wealth of information about the physiological, psychological, financial, and social implications of morbid obesity. As well, Chapunoff discusses the alarming increase in the number of children suffering from childhood obesity.

I highly recommend ‘‘Morbid Obesity: Will You Allow It To Kill You?’’ to individuals, parents, and health professionals as an educational and insightful guide on the issues surrounding morbid obesity and what people can do to prevent and treat this disease.

Tracy Roberts, Write Field Services

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Growing Up In A Small African Village

In his memoir, ‘Growing Up in a Small African Village’ Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi provides an account of his childhood experiences growing up in Mpintimpi, a small village in Ghana where there were about 100 residents. His inspiration for telling his story comes from a poignant memory when he was young man about to leave the village to pursue his education endeavors. Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi remembers one of the villagers saying to him, “Do not forget us.” His heart has always been with the villagers no matter where life took him, and now his goal is to establish a Health Centre that will improve the lives of the villagers.

Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi’s memoir entails an in-depth account of experiences that influenced his work ethic, his belief in the importance of family, his spirituality, and his desire to help impoverished people as a doctor. He shares remarkable stories about his family, villagers, customs, education, and spirituality of the community. A strong emphasis is on the role of the extended family and community support. Customs such as polygamy are chronicled, as well as interesting customs such as when women were having their menstrual cycle; they could not cook for their husband. He highlights the hardships endured as a child, including the quality of health care. Readers will learn about the ignorance of the nurses and doctors in the hospital that was in another town that was a very far distance from the village. As well, readers will learn about unsanitary injections by people who were often not qualified to do give injections. ‘Smuggled injections’ is another issue discussed. ‘Smuggled injections’ involved fake doctors convincing the villagers that an injection would treat any condition. Many unnecessary injections were given and the villagers would be sent back to the village. Home health care and witchcraft is another interesting subject of the book. Readers will learn of how the villagers did their best to treat illnesses, even if the medicine was not appropriate for the particular condition. For instance, the medicine called Atwood was used to treat a wide variety of illnesses although Atwood was just a medicine for treating constipation. The practice of painful circumcision is also chronicled.

In regards to the community, Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi provides an in-depth account of life in the village that included colorful residents and how their hardships were not seen as obstacles, but challenges to overcome. Readers will learn about meal preparation and how the chief meal ‘Fufu’ is prepared. Readers will be surprised to learn of the use of the chemical DDT to catch fish by pouring the chemical in the water, waiting for the fish to die, and then collecting the fish to eat. Fortunately, DDT was eventually banned. He also discusses his childhood education where at the age of 6, he would walk 2 miles to school and return home to do the chores followed by homework by Kerosene lamp. He also discusses the act of caning a student as punishment for such reasons as failure to perform well on a mental arithmetic test.

‘Growing Up in a Small African Village’ is a compelling and well written story that will make readers feel as though they have been transported back in time to experience the events Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi recounts. Readers will understand why the village has had such a positive impact on Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi’s life. It becomes quite clear why he has never forgotten the village and why he wants to create a health centre to improve the villagers’ lives. As well, readers will gain an appreciation for the strength of spirit of the community. No matter how hard life became, they made the best of it, and worked hard to survive. ‘Growing Up in a Small African Village’ is the story of an impoverished community with an immense spirit.

Tracy Roberts, Write Field Services