Sunday, September 14, 2014

Book Profile

In Pastor Steve Turner’s Autobiography, ‘The Other Pulpit’, Life Does Have A Purpose

In his new Christian autobiography,  ‘The Other Pulpit: Life Lessons of a Leader!’ Pastor Steven Turner chronicles purpose, praise, biblical and business principles, love, laughter, overcoming challenges, and never giving up. Pastor Steve writes with purpose - to set free and inspire others about the power of forgiveness. His personal story is a riveting, powerful, and often humorous look into the life of an only child, artist, minister, and entrepreneur.

‘The Other Pulpit!’ is a thought-provoking story of inspiration and determination of a single mother whose teaching Godly and practical wisdom in unforgettable life lessons. Pastor Steve Turner is the product of Faith, raised in a single family home back in the 1960's, and trained in music and business by his talented and anointed Mother, Min. of Music A.M. Turner. Challenged by education, racial prejudice, poverty and religious judging, his mother presses on for the purpose of offering her son to the Work of God. As Pastor Steve’s story unfolds, he provides important life lessons which includes encouraging readers to never give up in the face of adversity, hardships, rejections, and slow growth. Stay with God ! Stay in the dream / vision that God has destined for your life. Instead of standing behind a pulpit, become the pulpit, whether it be in business, community or the church.

‘The Other Pulpit!’ is reminiscent of it's Author - short, powerful, relevant, radical, and intriguing. Pastor Steve combines a unique writing style of photographic memorization for details, surprising humor, and theological wisdom, all wrapped up in a presentation that penetrates both the mind and spirit

About Pastor Steve Turner

Pastor Steve Turner is the Founder of Destiny Changers Deliverance Center, Inc. a new ministry that concentrates on the unloved, undesired & unappreciated. Pastor Steve got his start singing Gospel music on his Mother's choir, and as she dreamed, became it's "Minister of Music" the final 7 years of its existence. He has served his country, he served his State & City as a public servant, law enforcement professional, sales & marketing representative, trailblazer in administering creative ideas for promoting God's Kingdom.  For the past 20 years, Pastor Steve has pioneered an "On-Call" Gospel music service to the Faith communities in Maryland, Washington, D.C. & Virginia entitled : "Praise Unlimited Ministries, Inc." which has provided musicians to churches and community events due to scheduling emergencies.

Pastor Steve created "Steven Turner Ministries, Inc." to present the other side of his ministerial calling to the world. He is a "Writing Prophet" having written articles for local Christian & Community publications such as: "The Urban Star", Hallelujah Music Magazine and the iconic DMV "Power Magazine", where he became it's 1st. Music Columnist showcasing local, regional unsigned Gospel talent. As a Christian Thespian actor, Pastor Steve served for 4 years as the Lead Characters in the Gospel Stage production of..."Dis-chord In the Choir !", a Gospel musical & comedy. He played Dr. Madison, a 75 yr. old Minister of Music and Dr. T.M. Walker, a nefarious, sinister "Minister of Music" from the south who literally steals the show to the roof-shaking laughter of the audience.

Pastor Steve was the Executive Producer; Host of several weekly Christian talk shows that featured both unsigned & national talent, clergy, businessmen, women entrepreneurs and very edgy topics. He wrote his own radio commercials, did his own 'Voice-Overs" and introduced original music as the "Music Bed" (Background Music). He incorporates these literary gifts into his 1st autobiography. Pastor Steve resides in Baltimore, Maryland.

You can learn more about Pastor Steve Turner by visiting The Other Pulpit Website and his Facebook Page

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