Friday, September 24, 2010

Be Still

In her novel, ‘Be Still,’ author Pamela Young tells a spiritual story about the ‘end of times’ where the world is on a collision course with a comet and messages from God delivered by angels forewarns of the end of life on earth.

The plot of ‘Be Still’ focuses on the protagonist Amanda Fox, a reporter for the World News Network. Amanda Fox is a woman who has walked away from a spiritual life to live a more secular life as a reporter. Life for her is about facts. When Amanda hears of the reports of angel sightings and messages from around the world, she is skeptical and dismisses the reports. As she meets the people who have seen the angels, she is shocked by the accounts as they seem so real, particularly the message from God, "Prepare yourself, for the time is at hand." In Greece, a man reports of his encounter with an angel. In New Orleans, Ellie Lebeaux sees and receives a message from an angel. In Victoria, British Columbia, a little girl foretells events that will take place before the world comes to an end. Amanda becomes a believer when the events the girl forecasts start to come true. In the meantime, there are groups who attempt to discredit the angel sightings and messages, as well as a reverend who seeks to profit from the sightings.

‘Be Still’ delves into a spiritual theme that focuses on the assertion that Man has turned away from the spiritual teachings of God and has stopped loving God. Man now manipulates and distorts the true word of God for personal benefit and profit. The story, although told from a Christian perspective, is able to successfully encompass all major faiths. Important themes include the disintegration of our morals and values and how Man’s greed has shaped society and taken people away from the true meaning of what it means to love God. ‘Be Still’ is also a story of a woman discovering what it means to have faith. Amanda runs the risk of ruining her reputation by broadcasting the stories of the angel sightings and she begins to reflect on her own beliefs and how she has lived her life. Amanda’s story is a journey of spiritual growth.

I highly recommend ‘Be Still’ as a story of finding true faith while providing compelling and thought provoking observations on the current state of humanity. Readers will not be able to put the book down until they find out if mankind survives. ‘Be Still’ provides numerous issues to think about regarding the path the world is on and what will become of mankind if we continue to live such violent, selfish, and greedy lives.

Tracy Roberts, Write Field Services


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