Friday, December 07, 2007

Just Snap Your Fingers and… Bingo You’re Sober

In his book, “Just Snap Your Fingers and…Bingo You’re Sober,” author Maurice Murray provides recovering alcoholics with an extensive guide to overcoming alcoholism by tapping into their thought processes and spirituality.

At the age of sixty eight, Murray, a recovering alcoholic, demonstrates that it is never too late to start the healing process. His workbook is arranged in five chapters: Recovery Your Way (how alcohol works on the mind, accepting responsibility, and understanding the meaning of love as it applies to objects, people, and God,) God Fixes Cracked Pots (relationships between the thought process and attitude,) The Chair’s Fixed, Relax and Sit in It (self-realization, self awareness, one’s personal relationship with God,) Swat That Bee on Your Recovery Doorknob (how feelings are connected to our thought processes and behavior, learning to listen, feel, and visualize to achieve a new emotional balance,) and Bingo You’re Sober (self hypnosis as a tool for instilling spiritual and mental recovery skills.)

The book is peppered with spiritual and philosophical anecdotes intended to provide positive reinforcement and hope. Murray draws on a lifetime of experience to present relevant stories in the form of thoughtful and sometimes comical anecdotes meant to inspire recovering alcoholics to stay on the healing path.

The main message of the book is that alcoholism is a disease that can be defeated. Part of recovery entails understanding how your thought processes work, changing them, and recognizing the power spirituality plays in the recovery process. One essential message Murray imparts: Your life isn’t hopeless. It is your negative thoughts that have led you to believe it is hopeless. By identifying and changing your feelings, your thoughts will respond positively. As Murray states, “Recovery requires conscious and continuous positive actions.”

With many exercises and assignments, readers will be able to implement the principles as they read. The many spiritual references are more philosophical and positive in nature, rather than in a preaching format. It would have been helpful to have more information in the chapter on self hypnosis, particularly for those who are new to the field.

Written from a heartfelt struggle with alcoholism, Murray candidly shares his wisdom on recovering from the disease. I highly recommend Bingo You’re Sober to those seeking clarity, the resolve to recover, and finding peace during a difficult period of one’s life.

Write Field Services

ISBN: 9781434330611 (E-book)
ISBN: 9781434328816 (paperback)
Publisher: Author House (2007)
Available: www.
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