Don Haigh’s novel, Trials & Tribulations, tells the story of the struggle and survival of two young orphans by the name of Tommy and Betty. The story begins in 1802 at the town of Guisbrough, England. Tommy and Betty suddenly find themselves orphaned and are forced to leave their home. Under the guidance of Betty, the children flee to the town of Whitby. On their journey they face the overwhelming obstacles of starvation, violence and near death. In Whitby, they end up in a children’s workhouse where they and the other children suffer violent abuse and slavery. As the story unfolds, the children revolt and escape the harsh and brutal life. Barely alive, the children are rescued by the gentle and loving woman, Elizabeth Arkwright. Life for the Arkwright family and their children’s home is an exciting time of struggle entwined with harmony. As the Arkwright family is instilled with such values as morality, faith, and loyalty entwined with the moral integrity of military life, they are faced with a variety of sinister and deadly characters bent on greed and vengeance. Throughout it all, the Arkwright family confronts and challenges those that seek to destroy them.
Rich in a powerful and descriptive setting reflecting the life and times of early nineteenth century England, the author provides a compelling story of survival. As well, the attention to dialogue and setting makes the story entertaining and exciting historical fiction that reveals dark plots of rape, murder, slavery, and abuse, amid the love of a moral and honorable family.
From the various historical settings to the dress and description of military life and honor, Trials & Tribulations is a well researched novel that will entertain and delight readers. I highly recommend the novel to readers who enjoy compelling works of historical fiction.
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