My Angel
Denise Skelton’s, My Angel, tells the story of an interracial budding romance between Simone Porter and Matt Turner. Brought together by a tragic car accident that left Matt Turner in a coma for months, Simone and Matt develop a deep and spiritual friendship. Emotionally shut down after having his heart broken when his wife left him for another man, Matt finds himself drawn to Simone’s innocence, beauty, and unconditional kindness.
Matt and Simone confront outside influences seeking to keep the two apart. In a society where traditional parental values clash with the free spirit and modern ideals of youth, Simone and Matt struggle to find themselves as well as their love for each other. Matt’s friendship and attraction to Simone forces him to reflect on his past marriage and notions of love. His ex-wife‘s ordeal with the jealous and dangerous man she left him for develops into a deadly threat for both Simone and Matt.
Matt and Simone face many obstacles, internal and external, on their journey to finding the meaning of true love. Simone’s mother, an overbearing and controlling matriarch, dominates and influences every aspect of Simone’s life. From what she should eat, to what type of man she should date, Simone feels constantly scrutinized. Matt struggles with an outspoken and bitter father attempting to influence his children’s lives. Class, race, and sexuality are predominant themes throughout the book.
My Angel is a wonderful story about finding true love amid a struggle to find one’s identity in the face of traditional struggles of class, race, sexuality, and the traditional roles of men and women compared to the untamed spirit and independence of modern youth. Issues raised in the story often take place today giving readers a unique and engaging approach to resolving such conflicts.
With family drama and a heated romance, My Angel is a definite page-turner. I highly recommend this well crafted story to lovers of romantic tales embroiled in family interference, societal influences, and internal struggles that challenge the human spirit.
Write Field Services
Release Date: February 22, 2007
ISBN 978-0-9790877-0-7
Publisher: First Chance Publishing
Toll-free: (866) 510- 3276
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