Friday, December 01, 2006

The Sorcerer's Song And The Cat's Meow

A mythical tale exploring and defining the realms of reality and the supernatural, The Sorcerer's Song And The Cat's Meow tells the story of Middle Eastern Sorcerer Aikeem Abdul Jamal Yosaffa, and his faithful feline companion, Pendella Purrfect.

Aikeem, a Sorcerer who has traveled thousands of years perfecting his craft, meets Pendella Purrfect in an alley in New York City. Recognizing that each has a great power for good, they instantly bond and an unconditional love is cultivated. Together, they travel between the world of reality and the magical world of the Dreamscape, a plain of existence that defies the laws of nature. In this magical world, animals such as rats, sloths, felines, and rabbits have the ability to talk, walk upright, and reason. As Aikeem and Pendella Purrfect travel between the two plains of existence, they meet such colorful and unforgettable characters as Striped Seer, Snapper the Cat, Jackenstein Muddleboot, and Blitherskites.

On their magical journey, the forces of good and darkness collide. Threatened by sinister forces seeking to destroy and enslave humanity, a struggle to save humankind emerges. In the city of Avalon, where the fate of humanity resides, dark forces, guided by the ominous creatures Dark Seer and Daagbo, seek to align all the creatures of darkness in an effort to overthrow humanity and replace humans as the occupiers of the real world. Aikeem and Pendella Purrfect enlist those with the power of good to fight the Army of Darkness.

As the tale unfolds, readers are encouraged to use their imagination. A well-plotted story with vivid and riveting description of characters and settings, as well as an intense page turning battle, the book is a delight to read. In today’s world, where technology and the quest for superficial material pleasures often act as a deterrent to creative thought, The Sorcerer's Song And The Cat's Meow encourages readers to embrace their dreams. This book would make a great a movie.

I highly recommend this mythical novel to young adults, and to fans of such sorcerer stories as the “Harry Potter” books.

Write Field Services

Author: Arthur A. Roberts
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: (7 Aug 2006)
ISBN: 1847287255
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